Bike-a-thon Plus

Newcomers enjoy 2016 Children’s Treatment Centre Bike-A-Thon Plus

The Children’s Treatment Centre Bike-A-Thon Plus has been taking place for years, but there are always newcomers across SD&G willing to help out the cause.

Take for instance, Rosanne Fortier of Cornwall, who was cycling after being encouraged by a group of girlfriends to take part.

“It was a last-minute decision for me today so it’s the first one I do. It was just getting together with some friends and to support the cause, of course,” she said.

So would she do it again? “Absolutely! It was a nice festive atmosphere and it was my pleasure to donate, to register. I will plan it out more next time,” Fortier laughed.

The second largest fundraiser for the CTC was held Saturday, May 28, 2016 at St. Lawrence College in Cornwall, along the shore of the St. Lawrence River, with some satellite events in South Dundas.

Participants were greeted with a very warm, sunny day – perfect weather for the event.

Erika Oeggerli of Bainsville and Louise Sommers of Lancaster also rolled in on their bicycles around 11:30 a.m.

Sommers has done the CTC Bike-A-Thon Plus for over ten years and convinced Oeggerli to take part this year.

“I was lucky. I hit a beautiful day for a first time rider. The trail is beautiful, the biking path, it’s just nice to see everybody participate,” Oeggerli said.

“It’s amazing (the work of the Children’s Treatment Centre) and it’s encouraging to see the community come together and support each other…it’s an amazing community,” Sommers explained.

Bike-A-Thon Plus chairman Peter Asquini said it looks like the event will exceed last year’s fundraising total of roughly $129,000.

“Outstanding. It looks like the participation is up from last year,” he said. “It’s been a stellar event.”

“A huge thank you to the entire community and for everybody that came out and participated. We can’t thank them enough,” Asquini said.

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